Thursday, December 17, 2009




我很佩服她,可以封她为我的偶像了。她在全球排名第七的股神而香港李嘉诚排名第三。可否想象她令人佩服的地方。而她是85年出世的,这样年轻就有这样的能力从零到现在他21岁是户口就有 100万++。

U r rite.


Monday, December 7, 2009

7/12 evening

I'm full disappointed on you(boss)

Last time when those told you back side i won't even care n trust on them but today i wil .

cos u totally make me ful disappointed on u.

For the past u always give me an gud image even sometime i'm not agree on what u doing ,but at the end i wil agree on u too...

today wil i receive my salary I'm shock on the value as same as like last n acounten said MAYBE jus an mistake n wil double conform with you.

At the end it not an mistake but was truth.

U forget what u hv promise me n what u hv told me before even teach me?As u said i raice my salary on NOVEMBER n u promise but now what was happen?

Ned wait until tommorow oly going to explain to me?

By now I not even wan listen to ur explain,cos u had make me FULL disappionted n start from tml i won't like last time hardworking to work with u.U make me no choice...

=no comment=

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

27/10 晚


更惨的事老板竟然又说"Ah Chin 他under你,你这三天training他先咯"Walao eh Tauke,lu pun tau i tak da masa lagi nak train orang lah!!!最后没办法,只好安排阿xian画了...

一看见小马的穿着就傻了...wakao eh...他全身多是名牌,全身都Adidas就连手表也是名牌...


过后9a.m老板就叫我们下去meeting(biasalah)因为有新的project下星期要开始了而是我跟suzie来负责更惨的是我手头上ECOFEEDproject 还没完,又来一单!

after the meeting老板说把整个design department的人带到完去kepong因为那边的project快完工了所以要去看一下(not jus 5 persons ok if + technical totally up is 9 persons lo)过后就在kepong那边吃了也约那些在kepong run project 的人一起吃.Yao Yeng dao...3 table in the restaurant with 13 persons...

After ate n go follow up the project n back...故事还没完因为我带了人回去后还要带两个under我的人(Ah xian n 小马)去ecofeed监督工程近暂到如何,cos tis project is fully in charging by me so get to go by own....在车上跟小马聊了很多,原来他是读bio chemical 而读到一半就不读了因为malaysia R USELESS,因为他爸爸就是bio chemical enginneer(动物和植物)而他读这一课是想帮他爸爸.

到最后我才知道老板是他的三舅,wakao eh...而且是老板去带他来做工的。

更令我吃惊的事我回到公事时suzie跟我说小马sms to my boss to said sorry when he told us he was my boss relative n lagi shock isl老板的妈妈也打来问老板说小马做得如何!wakao eh...连tauke ma 也打来关心他,小马,你是行得!还有更吃惊的事suzie said when we on the road going back near SUBANG he had show her his house but maybe at that time i was listen to the radio so cant hear la,suzie还说过后老板有跟他说他那间家是2m+++wakao eh...难怪他全身都是名牌,难怪老板会这样好去带他。suzie还说他本来要自己驾车来做工了,比较放便可是老板不给,为什么?因为他18years old他老爸就出一辆camry给他了,lao...有钱到...那有工人驾的车比老板好所以老板不给咯!nabeh betul!!!

而他明年二月就要去台湾念书了same course but different country!!!还好他的人很nice n很谈得来而且没有捭架指不然的话就惨了^^

=meet new friend again,not bad=

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

14/10 晚 8p.m



也因为她的公主脾气让我做了超多的傻事就如,明明已经折好的星星而每张里都有字可是就因为有一次跟她大吵,把整共花了几个月写和折的星星,一把火给它烧了...而从那次起就告诉自己从此不会在为自己喜欢的女生折星星了stupid things^^


最近听兄弟和你的姐妹说你跟她们说还没对我死心,I'm totally shock again!!!为什么呢...在分开前你自己也已经说如果我真的选择离开你,那我们就不会在一起回而我也坦白对你说了我们绝对不会在一起回了因为就那些问题我们才分开所以就不可能在一起回。说真的我现在不知怎样面对你好,逃避你?找个冒牌女友出来让你看到?还是假装什么都不知道?


=anyway,i still may wish u wil found a guy which better than me=

Saturday, October 10, 2009

About Me

你的綽號:Ah Chin/Ah Gong
你現在的學校 :毕业了
你有沒有手機 : 有
承上,那是多少:apa ni!!!
你最要好的朋友(限1個): 多得不省属
你最討厭的人(限1個): 惠雯
你最帥的男性朋友(限1個):Ng Kok Zhan
什麼樣的女生你最討厭: 无理取闹,hiao,乱打人
你身邊最憨的朋友(限1個不能自己):Dun know
現在有另一半嗎: 没有
如果你很受不了你的父母,你會離家出走嗎: 不会
你功課好不好:Ma Ma Dei
你开电腦都在幹麻: facebook,finance web,blogpot,investment,china machine .
你的MSN有多少个同性: 很多
傳給你這份問卷的人是誰:cucu Hui Ling
这個人對你好不好:pricess,lu 对阿公好吗?(must reply)
這個人是你的誰:同校,同圣约翰救伤队,cucu I
这个人正/帥嗎:of course
萬一你喜歡這個人,你会怎么办:不会吧,就算是万一有也不会告诉她因为before 25 or achieve my target I won't 恋爱.而且会天下大乱咯^^
說到正妹你會想到誰:all my 2nd family members
說到痴你會想到誰:Sin Mei
說到聰明鬼你會想到誰:Mr Robert T.Kiyosaki:Rich Dad Poor Dad 创办人,金融答人
完美企业集团:董事长 皇室拿督 “古润金“ 太平绅士
你的英文好嗎:still poor


Monday, October 5, 2009


This few days I keep on thinking on a question,

what am I doing now,does it can help me achieve my target
after 3 years my income may reach 5 digit numbers.

N yesterday Jie Jie n his bf(5digit income numbers)counselling me,

their 1st question is:what is your plan by now,and does you still in the road you wanted?

This time I'm shock,cos I cann't answer their easy question,

And they said :you had get yourself lose,you know why,cos your mind think too much plan and make your own also which should you run 1st.

they are right...I really had lose my way,also can said I had jus get in the employer road which not in my plan...why am i saying so,cos ya now I'm a machine designer,sound good,but let said 1 day I was accident,does me still have income?But Jie Fu said:ya,you learn design is good cos it can help you to expose your mind but yet,WHO does the person you communicate?contartor,enginneer,and some saleman,tat's all?Ya,tat's all the person I can meet.

N he continue said:ok,now you think,who does the person I communicated more?Big boss,boss,entrepreneur,public and so on.N if you are me,how will you meet them?I cann't answer his question,and Jie fu is 1 of the person can question me until I dun have idea to answer him,tat's y i very "Gan Pai Xia Feng" on him and he said dun admire him cos the person I should learn from was His BOSS which creat an magazine before with the tittle"十九不一样"cos when he was in 19,he had earn alot of money and have his own car BMW.

And I still have few more month wil turn to 19,may i like his boss?I dun know,cos the time is too rush for me,and I keep saying that :I dun know what is my 1st step...

N he said just follow your heart,actually you know what should you do now rite,just you are worry this and that .Ya his is right,actually during I asked question,I had give answer to them,they realise that.They really was a good listener and my furture master.before counselling me,they had counselling alot of people before cos after listen we said they can pick up our problem n piont ,finally tell us,let us solve it by own.

I learn alot of things from them,n what he can did ,sure I also can,His just using half month to gain 5 digit income!but during the month wil be a stressful and rush life,it may much more hard than what I facing in this company now...

before they go,jie told me if got any question ,can call her or Jie Fu,they willing to help me.N Jie Fu said if wan work with him jus inform him,but of course by now i cann't resign my work now ^^but after CNY,dun know la^^

Pay out ur stress,must make sure get back the same value as the stress u pay

if not,faster jump out from there.

Sunday, September 27, 2009



姐说现在不在乎感觉了,就能找个伴就过了,跟我想的一样^^gud^^而那个男的我也跟他见面聊了好几次,听姐说他现在每个月收入Rm15000,haven include comission,even he didn't work also can gain this 5 digit salary...而他连ferrari也座过了因为他的customer都很有钱...他之前已经问我要不要跟他做而我拒绝了,他是做hong leong bank saving account的而最后我才知道他是hong leong bank TOP SALESMAN ,lao...geng 咯。才25岁就有5digit salary了。而他做生意的手法真的超厉害的...n i learn alot of lesson from him.thank you Mr龙威^^but i cann't help you to tam tim my 姐,this get to 看你的赵化了^^


Get in the war n learn from others.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


This few days was sick and still get to go for work...Cham...
cos have too many project get to run if not the downsite cann't run their work..haiz...
my working time seen like had been
arrange until next week liao...last time I
still can take some rest but nw...haiz...

Boss,you as you know my department all have a "high pressure"stress but

y u cann't give us a break...I know that you also having the feel like what we having but cann't you find a solution for us?as an opinion that i given you last time,"Qia ada otak n hv exp"n pay a SHUI salary or set a day which won't rush time on the construct...haiz...

Jus now evening I have get a new laotop (Hp 8730w) ,walao eh...when i saw the price was totally shock lo...(RM9500)5 month of my salary leh...n y u jus buy 1?n y not my supervisor get but was me?do u know jus now when she saw I get a new laotop ,she very kam kai...she was my supervisor n I was under her n y I u know like tis wil make our department like the others "PLAY HEART FIGHT"...

Moreover,actually when we get a new laptop should feel very happy n song,but y i dun having this feeling?n y this new laptop cann't make me feel like very like on it?Is because on it look not nice as the old ?

Friday, September 4, 2009

5/9 晴


今天office的人多没做可是我就要来因为Ecofeed project supervisor要问我一些东西而就等他到先在都还没来,就打blog先咯^^等下他来我又不知道要怎样答他了,老板真是的,自己要出国就把东西交待好给我才去...later sure die!!!

最近已经懂得如何去想面对压力了,而人也不怎么暴潮了。最近自己也做了几句golden sentance来安慰自己

Dun Angry 和 Dun Worry

Be Happy Be Happy

Dun Hungry Dun Hungry



这应该就事人mind set 吧。我觉得其时每个人多能够做到可是说真的,他们心里面不想忘记或者是他太直卓吧,做人太直卓的话到头来只会让自己不开心,那又何必呢...

=To Be Continue=

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2/9 晚

老板要去pineng然后跟我谈了一点东西就说Ah Din(ecofeed project supervisor)
会来问我一些东西和before6p.m要把整个图出完!!!wa lao,
本来是星期五才出图uwan me die meh!!!

没办法咯,只好赶给他!而每次说:Ah Chin 你不要给Pei Zhen 压力咯。
把工作分配好了后老板就上来说:你们画好了后一定要给Ah Chin check!
而画着画着就画到六点了enginneer also have come...but the drawing haven been done,so no choice lo,he get to wait...Ah Din Sorry o.

我一check...haiz...some error was found again...but never mind lo,tis is an advantages under me(won't score ppl)就只好跟Ah Din说明天在给他跟detailn clear的图让他跟doctor交待。

黑眼圈越来越明显了,先在只希望能有给我一个没有压力的觉's look like an very simply for others but it total hard for me,like get to earn an honda accord in few days!!!

Enjoy Strees i had achieve but get to enjoy stress in everydays by now i cann't make it!!!

=Tired and tired=

Sunday, August 30, 2009


昨晚做了一件让SIN YUN和SHIANG YUN 非常伤心又失望和开心的事,没想到在这样段的时间也能搞这样surprice birthday celebration,虽然在当天发生几件不顺利的事可是还好pricess n me脑筋圈的快而又遇见当事人要回家而将及就计的改变^^希望这个celebration能让她们留下美好的回忆吧^^

今天下午跟兄弟们去Mid Valley买衣服,而在那边足足塞了半个小时多才有位PARK车,更衰的是park车时不小心把车弄花了!!!蛮名显一下的...心情已经很差了那里知道在highway 时又遇见一个“懒式"的人,王八的,我跑我的路而你跑你的路干嘛要来惹我,i know u wan to showoff ur VIOS to ur GF who is sit in your car but你找错人来showoff 了咯。

当他超越了我而又用那种死人样看着我后,兄弟们也觉得很不爽那辆车,而我就把冷气关掉,直接超越他后把车割回在他车前面as a sign boh song him.然后我们就在highway speeding 了,跟赛车一样跑了,而可能是我已经非常生气了吧,第一次就的自己驾得真的很恐怖,even 兄弟们也是驾快车可是他们都说我这次受到什么刺激驾的好像不要命一样(cos when start rise my take off my safety belt)到最后你还不是自己"SAI SUI”给自己的GF看!好车不一定你会跑得快,基数才重要OK,STUPID PIG!

过后就跟兄弟们去吃晚餐然后又去aeon shopping。也在那边玩了一些东西发泄(还好没被我发泄到暴掉。回来后本来想约2nd family 去看戏因为她们想看很久了可是去到戏演要看还有没有位时,就想到daddy今晚要我去戴他们回家,而哥哥又不知道跑到那里去了,所以只好回来家里等他们的电话...不知道是不是脚花了,家里一没人就很不想一个人呆在家里,很想出去走走(disadvantage for single)


Sunday, August 23, 2009

24/8 Early Morning



最近公司有太多project要出图而带给我很多压力和发疯,就连回到家还会在画图...就连老板也没得好睡。而工作已经够pek che了,老板压力大就拿工人来骂...



Sunday, August 16, 2009



最近都很大压力而且也not enough sleep...就因为工作关系。希望这份project can end it as soon as possible then I can run the new project already.



爸:因为你active 过你的哥哥咯。



其时老爸说的也很有道理,因为人有时总会lazy所以当你lazy时她可以在我身边陪我鼓励我,可是万一我找到的当初是ok过后就in the other hand site ma siao...而且我不拍拖的原因是因为不想让那女生伤心,因为我肯定很少时间陪她。haiz...


Friday, August 14, 2009


刚跟老板一起去Mewah Oil company 回来,而且老板跟我和另外一个enginneer讲了很东西。


刚才老板跟我们说,那个doctor要买我的老板with the salary 40K per month n花红六个月extra 3 million for him.,n my boss said wan a Mas ,the doctor oso agreetis is a big number.

我老板说他会跟doctor 要求把我们这个team带去。而且我老板是直接underthe boss,so we r under our boss^^


to be continue...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

9/8 晴



而昨晚我也是第一次喝酒喝到会有醉的感觉,而且只有十二个人,竟然喝15只tiger 和两只社酒!!!那般喝酒乱乱来的,参来参去,还好我跟enginneern Ah Yi三个人懂得这些知识所以没倒。而其他的就吐的吐,倒的倒。而要冠到我的就冠到自己倒...酒量不好还要冠倒我。最后还说Ah Chin你酒量很好hoh,全部都要倒了而你就还这样eong...看你以后还敢找我喝吗^^

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

5/8 晚

今天老板叫我和几的enginneer上去开会,谈MAWAH OIL 的project.老板也说在这星期里叫我把这个project给搞完,因为又有接到新的project了。

我手头上还有两个project还在run,那里又来了新了...虽然我的速度得到老板的肯定可是我想画得更快,cos this company I'm the one who had learn all the software n 这也是人家只有一个supervisor可是我就有三个。也就因为这样,这份工让我有很多挑战性,even stress but i'm very enjoy the stress.

After the meeting end,suddenly boss asked me to stay n close up the door.然后就跟我说我已经被conform了。问我有遇到什么问题没有,我就跟他要求星期六不做,老板竟然没问为什么就答应了。而且他还说我以后有什么事或要求就直接找他或经理。老板说我很帮到他所以就...

老板的人说真的有够nice了,而且很照顾员工们。After that他说我每三个月就会起一次工钱(i trust him but for the sure get to remind him cos my boss punya memory very weak...everytime wil forget things 1)

今天也发觉了一间事,那就是公司新来的一个老板以前的工人的工钱竟然是 RM9000 ,walao eh...比我们的manager还要高叻!如果让那些supervisor知道的话,公司一定又在乱了。。。


Cum on stress,i'm waiting for you.see who will be won on the end^^muahaha....

=I'm free from saturday=


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Today still the same,rush on some project.N boss jus give a call

tomoro morning wil have meeting to discus the MEWAH OIL sdn bhd project.Cos have many error on the documen that the in charge sending,make our department hard to run the work.Hopefully,after tomoro all the documen that been sent is non error(if not their enginner can be quit their job liao,worst than us)

Just now have make an importent decision about the rader job.

After I keep thinking n thinking,My answer is Nope,by nw i will still work on the same company but maybe next year or 2 years later,ya,i will go cos by now i have been promote from lvl 1 solid work to lvl 4 which mean half year work i had done in 2 month +,so in the same time it give a sign that next year i have ntg new things to learn from this company so wil be the time for me to quit.Yet,if got new things to learn then wil be different lo.

Beside that,I have an idea on my mind which by using other ways to run my plaint on this year get to acheive 2k income n before 25 salary is 10k n more more more...if cann't acheive 1 plain then get to run for plain 2.

Brother,now we all run in the same road ,fews years later will be our result to make some decision.


Monday, August 3, 2009

3/8 晚


昨晚想了很晚才睡.My 1st plain which to achieve my dream tat i had been state long time ago

刚好就是现在遇见的是which is my income in this year must reach 2k+

而现在这份雷达can reach my 1st plain可是我将失去很多。

刚刚跟新加坡的老师(酒店总经理)谈了一下,而她给的意见是要成功就要学会牺牲。 她鼓励我换工,因为她是最早知道我的梦想是什么的人,当初她对我说

before we end the you told me that no matter what decision I make you also wil support me and choose an job which I feel is the most stress job cos can make me improve,but I no dare to tell you that it's very hard for me to make an decision in between this...



Today is 70/100 wan go work on rader.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

2/8 晚



就因为读书的关系。。。所以就问我要不要 and is 100% can in 1.




我自己也很难作决定因为这两份工我都很有很有很有兴趣,可是我一做雷达这份工,可以肯定的是我就得放下很多东西,而最重要的是我的第二个家庭成员,也是我不舍得的。而且不能跟他们常见面了。。。不知道几时开始我对他们的感觉就像自己的家庭成员,当初大家都只时随便叫叫而已,想不到他们在我人生中已经有了很重要的位置。I really took you all are same level with my real family,so i hope our relation really won't reach the end state.



Today 35%/100% wan get in Rader.
(After 2 days later get to make an decision)

Friday, July 31, 2009


最近兄弟们都已经找到自己要走的路了,而且大家都做IT 的工!

当初我们最不喜欢就是IT 的,可是现在就...

在我们当中有的做enginneer,mechine designer ,wiring designer,家庭设计,UBS,船的雷达,也有的去读PLC,electrical and electronic enginneer,室内设计。

看来我们没让Mr Ho 失望了。而且他应该还不知道我们这班 Tao Hong Kia全部都做得这样出色吧。

如果能的话我们这一班几年后一起成立一架 IT Company like what Japan did,那我们又有东西好的挑战了,因为我们都很Ti Ki。

最近大家都很忙,而且每次说要回去学校找Mr Ho,可是大家的时间都不match所以只好一拖在拖,希望到时Mr Ho 还没离开那间吃钱的学校吧^^

让我们一起为我们的梦想冲啊,wish god may bless all of us dream may cum true.

Thanks God


Monday, July 27, 2009


Today someone asked me

"Hey,how was ur plain and what did you achieve?"

She is the one who give me full support to achieve my dream.

N she is one for the person didn't said I was crazy.

Last time when she asked me this question sure i can answer her but now I cann't cos during this month ,what I learn is useless for me...meaning that I'm wasting my life time during this month.

So in this month I get to learn more things than the past.N before she go,she give me a word

"You must always remember what is your dream and what you going to achieve,DON'T BE LAZY"

Thanks alot,cos I had wake me up on what did i done on this month.N I promise you that next time when you asked me this question again,it won't make you feel disappointed.

To all my GUAI SHUN,Ah Gong wish all the best in your exam and get an flying colour in your exam result.

=Let us rush for our life=

Friday, July 24, 2009


Today morning my supervisor told me that the aluminium mechine PAO ZHA!!!N 1 of my friend eyes get hurt n sent to hospital.N now office very LUN n dirty cos the vibrate of the wave.

Lucklly i go back early if not...N they told me that when the tank explode all of them totally shock on(is like an big boom sound)n at that time boss n engineer r there.

So i go have a look on the tank see how does it,n it had give me a sense that is very serious case cos all the paib was break until KAI HUA!!!

N today everyone get scold by boss (he is on fire now)just now i pun sudah kena...

Hopefully the worker eyes is ok n get well soon ba...

=dangerious work=....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Traditional medicine^^

Muahaha...supporting traditional medicine

cos after hear my guai shun (golden pricess)advice

to buy chinese medicine to eat,n now getting well liao^^muahaha...Although it very KAP KAP^^but is tasty^^long time idin't drink liao^^

=get well soon^^=

Monday, July 20, 2009


Early morning when just step in the company Boss said"Ah Chin come,we got an urgent drawing get to finish before 10a.m cos I get to pass to ONG brother company to have a look"!!!!

So get to complete the drawing with the engineer before 10p.m n make us like the siao lang but finally we complete the drawing at 10.30am^^cos is too rush for us to complete a drawing

After that when wan go to having my lunch,heavy rain!!!Make me feel sick by now!!!

Later dun know got what happen again liao...

=Suai day=

=get well soon=

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Tis few days rush on some project drawing n yesterday draw until 7 p.m++

Nw the kepong project had start running n wil make me more busy than last time,
cos alot of drawing get to draw,n i had just done half of the PID drawing.

Just now meeting with my boss n he had buy a chinese medicine for me n my supervisor.Suddenlly feel my boss not just an funny person but he also a boss who take care on us^^ALIKATO^^

Beside tat,during the meeting,my boss asked me about new design on own office (not bad hoh,suddenlly become an office designer^^)so we have came out an draw design which 4 of my company designer sit in a group n counten sit outside n set up the wall to separate ROOM 1,Room 2 n 3.

After tat,my boss told me tat tomoro get to learn "HOW TO SET UP THE ROBOT IN 3D Drawing"tis is for enginneer n the customer to know.


before the meeting end,boss asked"DO U HV PASSPORT"

at tat time i had know sure asked me go bangladesh...

Finally yes true on hwat am i thinking on....

I get to go there to draw out tat BUILDING(bangladesh big company)so can make our job easy..

But haven been conform yet,but is plain at next month.

Hopefully dun ned go there lo cos of the H1N1 virus ^^


Thursday, July 9, 2009


Today hiam hiam Ci Dao again^^n early morning had go hospital with my supervisor(Ah Yi)actually if we go klinik is F.O.C cos company wil pay for us but hoh everytime we go,the doctor jus asked"what medicine u wan"na bek,like we r the doctor...

Early morning we had go Hospital TAR , na bek TAR hospital very Dua Keng lo,which counter for us to register oso dun know...finallly asked the guard n he tell us go emergenci counter,so we jus follow what he said .When we asked "Demam nak check ka mana"The stupid stuff answer us"Sorry yeh,kes macam ini kita tak terima lagi,u orang kena pergi hospital yang dekat convert school sana"
Wa kao,what kind of reason is tis,if we r having H1N1 how!!!na beh betul.

Finally we cum back to pandamaran n Ah Yi ned to do a blod test n me dun ned(dun kknow y)

Finally the doctor said both of us ok,jus ned eat the medicine n drink more water n take more rest.Now office all still sick,hopefully all of us wil get well soon.

Hospital TAR is useless,n service is damn.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009



现在office里面只剩一个人还没病而已,hope the virus won' t get near her lo^^haha...

Boss not around n most of my work had done,very bored n very kang ko oso cos of sick...

Get well Soon.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009




工司一次过一起生病还蛮funny,cos all our sound had change^^可是就西北港口。。。

Popi not H1N1,cos boss just came back from China,tis's what we worry on....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hui Ling N Say Ling birthday celebration photo

Seen like doing a big project wow^^

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm back^^


Very tired...around 5p.m oly reach here n first thing i did r tidur cos too tired liao,when driving suddenly my eye close up,lucklly no car infront if not...

Anyway,finally i had cum back^^n learn n see alot of things from there^^N nw had pok kai lo,3 days i had waste RM110...go to work oso spend so much money if go for trip ma siao....




Sunday, June 14, 2009

reach pineng^^

Finally i reach pineng liao^^from 2p.m start cum until 6.15 only reach here n very tired oso...did u trust tat saga speed can reach 160+?Today I had done it^^tis is the bukti^^saga only hv 120cc but can get higher than tis^^

muahaha,sebenar pun can reach 180 oso but hv a bus tiba-tiba keluar,i hampir-hampir langgar dia!!!bodoh betul...

Here got alot of food like pandamaran pasar ,n bigger than tat,jus now go eat dinner with my friends, their si gou tang totally different with us 1 lo,very yam mi^^n cheap^^

Nw very happy,y?cos i boleh online ,curi line orang lain punya,but my friends said he cum here around 1 years liao,cann't in ny i can?cos they use other software lo then cann't,so i'm the 1st person who 1st cum here n 1st person who can online^^wakaka...bad is very lag , sometime wil sign out 1!!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Half an hour later sudah mau pergi pineng liao.But feel very tired,cos yesterday sleep very late n today wake up very cos went to Taman rakyat Joging.

Yesterday night having a celebration with my Shun Say Ling N Hui Ling,hopefully both of ur wil like it o^^

Hiz,at pineng cann't online liao,swt la...

Anyway,hopefully later won't face any problems during on the way going Perai.popi popi^^

Some feeling cann't describe...

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Jus finish meeting and I had been arrange go danisco(company at pinang) to set up the programmer adn to learn the movicon11.Sunday night go with my parner and i'm the driver...nw hv worry sesat,n boss keeping said the way very easy nia...haiz...harap-harap won't sesat lo...

Stay there cann't online ,no tv,no fun...1 word can discrub "BORING"
Get to download banyak movie to watch liao^^


Monday, June 8, 2009


Jus came back from training.N can said was a crazy n funny days^^

Around 8.30a.m we start move to K.L for training because dun know the location so better go early^^

After reach there,me,Ah Yi n sushi get in a room then the funny story began^^muahaha...

They find a worker train us n 2 assintant assis him.Mana tau what we asked, he langsung tak tahu wow,n we learn a word from him “什么鬼”cos from the training strat untill the end he keep saying tis word^^During the class we keeping laughing n Ah Yi said"find tis type of people training meh..."Cos during the class can said not he training us but is we training him back.N he said tat"u all so pro..."

After finishing the training,crazy happen again^^we sesat jalan,muahaha...we can go until KLIA there ,then they said,easy lo,3 of us naik kapal terbang then jump ,sure can cum back to pandamaran 1^^,haha..

After tat,we jalan salah lagi,then terus go IOI Resort,during tat,3 of us na siao leh.Finally we get back to putrajaya then follow the LDP,n finally we get back^^muahaha...

Learn nothing at there!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Yesterday Brother's(Taman Chi Leong Car accessory)have promotion so i go there to have a look see whethere can buy something to put in my car boh.And finally i had buy the sport light and sun blocking and i pay extra RM20 for AN ZHUANG FEI.they asked an junior to handle my car mana tahu the idiot dun know how to put on the sport light and chin cai do ,then after he done when i check,some of the part been damage by the junior,halo eh,if u dun know just said la,even i'm not pro in car service,i pun tau the sport light wire wil not at that side ok!!!Finally i call their in-charge cum to have a look on the damage part,and he said:Very sorry,he is fresh at here,no experience in tis.NA BEK lu tau dia tak tau,then y call him do it,lu bodoh kah!!!He jus keeping said sori n wil resposible ,n finally repair of me...I was very angry at that time..

After that I went JJ to buy somethings when on the way came back home,suddenly the sun blocking drop down,WA TIAO EH,i paid 20ringgit for yours to Nong Pai my car meh!!!na bek betul!!!

Finally i asked my dad help me go there to complain n i didn't follow,cos if i follow my dad go sure Dai kin Si!!!

After few minute my dad came back and told he said the senior said very sori again!!!the junior BODOH betul,my car not a white mouse ok,nw popi the sport light won't damage ,if not lu memang akan jadi white mouse!!

next time go brother car service centre
won't let their junior to in-charging my car !!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Finally my training change to next,cos next week will have 2 more new female worker will under my department so get to wait them go together and yesterday have a chat with my boss and he said i had work almost 2 month so is time for me outstation pinang,danisco company cos at there have 12 project get to follow...hopefully wil learn alot of things during at there bah...

Just finishing my drawing and now wait for them programming then get to set the touch screen again.Very xian....

Dun know what to write liao^^..




Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Finally i fall in body dun have energy,even now type the blog ,while my eyes just open half of it,hand no energy to press..,later wan go sleep liao.
Juat now My parent asked me to eat medicine but I dun wan cos when was in secondary school i had hate to eat medicine cos of the effection so everytime sick also be a doctor by my own.Thi time seen like worse than the last,hopefully get well on tomoro...

The point that write this blog is feel that if having a person who like a gf care on u,that's much better...but after think back,tis no stated in my plan by now,so ...


going to sleep liao,thanks for view my blog.bye...

Monday, June 1, 2009


。。。 哭笑不得。。。

Early morning when i came in the office by having a gud mood but as orang kata,happy hour wil be past in the short time,now i trust on it!!!

Story begin after 10minutes+ went in the office...Today have a new girl will come to work and when she came in the office the crazy boss asked me TEACH her on solid work drawing.Before that I ingat she know how to draw so i ingat is easy to teach.NABEK,mana tau she dun know every thing,even use pencil draw on a paper also dun know!!!i think My LK guai shun all also much better than her!!!

And after i cann't tahan then the motor designer asked need help boh so i pass the mission to her and after few minutes only she pass the girl back to me...(U KNOW Y LA)!!!

Now i was thinking,wil she kerja just 1 week then lari orang?maybe yes maybe no,cos wednesday we wil go for training.

Anyway,I still need try my best to teach her,so far except she keeping forget the step,gong gong,wrong measurement,cann't understand english,evrythings still ok,hopefully after few days she will become much better.ALEHLUYA

Friday, May 15, 2009


Yesterday night after gethering with my secondary school friends then have rush to
2nd place to having a celebration with my Shun kia PCC.
After finishing the steambot,we go Hui Ling house to pun cake^^
Erm...although this seen like juat a simple dinner but it had brough alot of sweet
memories for everyone.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Today my boss mood so gud^^cos actually today i get to work until 5 but when at 2 p.m he have call me back cos he going to Pinang to cheak the control panel box so i lucky lo^^

And at the night have a BBQ party and found some fun from there.I think tis would my 1 st having an BBQ with some of them n it also wil be the last(uyou know what am i talking about la^^)

After tat bbq then bawa my siao shun hui ling back n when we reach pandamaran,we saw have HUA CHE YOU XING n siao shun said want have a look so we patah balik to have a look.There have alot of O PE n hui ling have some of the video lo n mind getting start crazy like siao lang lo^^biasalah tu.After tat fetch her back then when i on the way came back i curi-curi throw the rubbish at somewhere la^^(cann't said^^if not when u all go report then i die^^haha...)

Now like siao lang still write blog,no wan to sleep.erm....still wan to write what leh...




Haiz ya,lazy to think liao la...

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Just came back from joining Sin Yun,Shiang Yun,Hui Ling & Jia Jun at Telok Pulai YAM CHA.N Po Peh at there.

A question had appear in my mind for a long time which is,after few more years,will staj group still can like now have the time to come out enjoy the a drink.At tat time maybe everyone wil rush on thier part on something to achieve n some1 wil go to continue their education.

Now my answer is TREASURE ALL THE TIME WE GATHER.I remember had a person told me tat"don't think or worry on something which haven come,we should enjoy our life fully n don't worry tis or tat cos it will make u become worse...In a day,3second can make ur mood become glad or in the other hand having bad mood,jus in the 3 second u should make ur decision on it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

1st day working

Today at 7.30a.m i receive a mesage from Mr Hwang and he said my working hour have been change from 9a.m to 8a.m,so i fast prepare all the thing in 15 minutes,mana tau i pun mak tiba-tiba keluar!!!In 1st day had late...went i reach there is already around 8.15+ n i faster go find the Mr khoo(my boss)and apologize with him n he said is ok cos the time is suddenly been change so is ok!!!HO CHAI lo...

After that i went into the office and start to learn draw all the keh si tao and asked me to use the solid work to draw!!!na beh,how do i know how to use !In school Mr ho teach us use AUTOCAP not solid work la!!!Finally i go n asked a girl n she teach me some n others 1 I main tembak click^^very lucky^^still can learn the new step from main tembak^^hehe...

At 12p.m was my lunch hour and i have done all the draw,very happy lo^^awesome^^then i go eat lo,mana tau when i went back from lunch,i punya meja tiba-tiba sudah penuh dengan banyak lagi keh si tao!!And all is very very very hard to draw 1!!na beh,u belum ajar i macam mana guna the system have start asked me draw all that!!!During the time i punya kepala memang sudah pusing...After that all the IT worker went to the office meeting n i saw all their hair have alot of peh ta meng !!!wa kao!!!After that meeting my boss give me a paper,n he said today what i draw in very easy only ,i have 2 more system to learn!!!guan ni mah...1 system u didn't teach me liaon still have 2 more,u wan me die ah,u tau i main tembak punya tak!!!when i lokk through the paper n he explain to me,my a project work,in side have alot of engine n wire leh,n all the engine is big big 1,all this is before the company was bulid so will find us go to draw all this n where the suitable place to put the suitable engine!!!All engine is different!!!

Now i know y all their hair so white in colour...before weng back,he tell me that tomoro get to learn new gob...i sudah mau key siao ni!!!n very worry my hair will become like their hair...

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Even we have six years didn't meet but we still remember each other^^

I had get a contact from my primary school friend and she have change alot and others primary friends also the same.It have refresh back when we in the primary school life^^very enjoyable and playful^^

Some of the female friends became more pretty and some of the guys became more handsome^^and now everyone had busy on rush thier study or work.Some of the go KL to work so is hard for us to gether...Few month later some of them going to other state to continue thier study also..haiz...

Anyway^^I'm very happy that we can meet back again^^

Wish all of them success in their life and god bless them...


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sweet Dream i have a very very very sweet dream lo^^Cos my cucu came in my dream leh,and some of the atc committee,my god...When wake up from the dream i cann't remember all the happening but what I remember are we all went for a trip(forget where was it!),when at night we all going for a long walk at a road,hui ling jatuh longkang^^(lucklly she didn't injure..),when at hostel all play and very enjoy,many others have forget !_!...Awesome man...I remember that during the trip had many things happen but i had forget all tat,haiz...Harap-harap later when go to sleep this type of dream wil come out again ^^except hui ling jatuh longkang lagi lah^^

Haiz...If it can happen in our real life,i think it would be very very very fun for us...

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Last wednesday goes kwang hua stay until saturday for the atc.The different between before n after is at the 1st day most committee didn't crazy as like 3rd day^^
All sharing their different story as fun as out of their mind^^
During this atc soh wee was my asst and at the 1st day we are like the crazy person keeping running from 1 floor until 4^^until our leg at the next day seen like getting broken^^
but we don't mind on it because we very very very enjoy our job^^haha...
I feel that this year atc is much more better than last 2,3 years,
maybe is we have a good camp commander and asst camp commander and all committee pah^^
But sad to said that saturday night i get to go back liao cos have a very important relative marry and parent told me must go...
So at the saturday night sze chiet said want take some photo together then after i finish taking my bath and cheak out.After putting my baggage my dad was waiting for my already and i told him that i get to inform all the committee.
So i go to inform Soon Hong,Heng Chuan and others committee and suddenly Soon Hong and Heng Chuan told the members that i'm going back and when the members said bye bye with me,I feel very touch and my ears going to drop down leh,I think no 1 know gua^^
After that me and some of the committee take some photo as a sweet memory for us,when taking the photo i want to smile but don't know y cann't.At that time I punya mulut when want to smile,macam akan nangis...I haven see the photo yet,maybe i punya facial expression sangat ugly gua...After that I had went for the dinner...

Before that many people asked me y I have hilang for a long time and now muncul lagi,So i told them that this time I came is because Soon Hong need help so I give a hand for him,if is others invide me I won't go also...

This 4 days I very happy and enjoy on this event and it wil keep on my mind forever...

I'm here to thanks all the commmittee who had helping me
during the camp and if i had did any mistake or make those feel bad,
I'm would like to said SORRY.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sad la

Just now quarrel with my mum...That's a long long story.During she fetch me to shiang yun house scold me and when she said"if you are talent then don't asked me to fetch you la"I was very very angry and when the car is moving i just open the door and went down.Lucklly i didn't injuired.After that walk to shiang yun house and go for the meeting.

I know that my mum talk all that is for my own good but now I'm mature and I know what am I doing.U know that what am I thinking on and y I doing this but y cann't u accept it...I know that I had promise u and dad on won't join in again.But I had told u all that I join in is not because of St.john but is my 2nd family.Maybe u cann't understand on how was the relationship for me on my 2nd family...I know what am I doing now.And i wish to said sorry to u mum on quarrel with u,cos i know that u scolded me is worry on me n for me own good.Supposing i not wish quarrel with u but at that time i was too angry so...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009





Friday, March 6, 2009

Car accident

Yesterday midnight around 1a.m the eletric on my area cut off so I decide to brought my younger brother go out to have a drink.And when I drive in my road suddenly the idiot honda driver go in my road so I faster turn to the left and it happen at pandamaran B beside road on the temple.The wheel hit the Lang kao and pamcit.The hit sound very loud and make all the people at temple came out to see what happen.At that time I try to reassure my own and i pack my car at a side to see how was my car but the idiot honda driver just drove away...Na bek idiot...Lucklly at that time I didn't speeding if not sure my car wil Peng ,at that time sure fracture and bleeding...
After I pack my car at a side ,my younger brother and me get to change the wheel.Lucklly my father teach me before on how to change the wheel if not...I jec up the car until like going to the hell and my brother take out the wheel and put the new 1.The wheel is totally damage and cann't be use again ,so u can imagine how was it look like...
After finish changed the wheel I think is just an small case...when I start the engine it al seen like ok but when i start to move the car my car staling is out of control.I was totally shock on what is going on so i pack my car on a side again see how was going on.I saw the wheel is different shape with the others,it cann't turn straight so is very dangerious to drive because when the car move it wil go left and right n is out of control.I had no choice so i get to drive very very very slow to avoid langgar kereta orang lain...I get to drive from pandamaran B until my house,I get to full concentrate and wanted to reach my house as fast as possible in the speed slow.

Finally i reach home and the electri still cut off...i call my brother to wake up my father to...My father didn't scold and because of dad didn't scold me i wil feel more terrible cos i know I'm reli reli make my dad feel very disappionted...Before I go out my dad told me to pay more attention cos midnight driving was very dangerious and i answer him OK I WILL but at the end i still...

I went to sleep at 4a.m++and i have think alot...I feel that i don't have a friends for me to dependency...even seen i have alot of friends and shun but i still no dependency to each other...And no 1 cann't understand on me because i cann't understand on my own too...

Until now my family didn't talk to me a word...I think I won't drive durng this few months...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

This two days I'm very very very busy and I readly cann't sleep well...

On that saturday,I had go back my secondary schoool sport day and have a meet with DIV 15 members .At the same time,to get the support to them.Their performance was good but many people told me that thier performance did badly and i just answer them "does it"!I don't want talk so much to them because I trust on DIV15 always try all their best on doing something and as what I keeoing telling them is the good result will be on thier own which how much that they had pay out on it,and does they learn something from that ,if yes,then that was thier good result,just because they had try all thier best to get it.At the end,they had proof it and they get third place on the foot drill and their chairman hui ling and all the committee feel very very very happy and pround on it.I as the chairman for past had a long time didn't saw all this members have that type of smile.

On the next day was the area competition,at the early morning,sin yun,shiang yun,hui ling and pcc had came to my huose and we go to zhi wei house to fetch the competition skuad go kwang hua.Before that i not wish to go for the competition because I dare to said i don't like st.john because it make me always get scold by my parent...But at the end I still went for the competition because of my guai shun hui ling keep asked me to go and wish to give support to staj competition teams so I go.During the competition had something happening but it also had show that all of they had the team work and thier performance is totally good than me when the past I joining the competition.But the result had make adult team and us feel very disappointedand sad but as we are the senior ,we get to try comfort them so although we feel very tired but shiang yun and me still decide bring them go to having a dinner together and finally we decide go jeft and everyone enjoying thier dinner in the happy world.After that we bring them back to the zhi wei house and fetch some of them back to the home.

When i came back home and take my bath then have go to bed if not when my parent come back home sure get scold by them...and yesterday I ready have a comfortable and good sleep...SONG ah....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bad Mood

I have just come back from an interview and i have pass on it but the job is not what I wanted.The interviewer (boss)told me that now I follow the saleman and start to learn the way to trade and the skill.And after that only will promote me become the saleman.During the interview,the boss asked me whethere going to further my study or not and when I answer him NO,he gave alot of advice to encourage me continue my education because of the reason bla bla bla bla....He seen like my school teacher lo.By now i still don't know my salary yet,because I told him that set the salary according to my experience with what work did i done and the performance and next week get to work liao...Don't know why after came back from interview,i had no more mood...maybe is because what I get now is not what I wanted ba....

I had just go through my gui shun blog and found that they seen like facing alot of problem on their life...I wish them to tell me so i can help lo...Haiz...why life cann't god gave human just having the happy sense leh...

And later I don't know whethere want go for my xgf birthday party or not...feel no mood to go oso...haiz....sad la...go sleep more better than ever