Sunday, September 27, 2009



姐说现在不在乎感觉了,就能找个伴就过了,跟我想的一样^^gud^^而那个男的我也跟他见面聊了好几次,听姐说他现在每个月收入Rm15000,haven include comission,even he didn't work also can gain this 5 digit salary...而他连ferrari也座过了因为他的customer都很有钱...他之前已经问我要不要跟他做而我拒绝了,他是做hong leong bank saving account的而最后我才知道他是hong leong bank TOP SALESMAN ,lao...geng 咯。才25岁就有5digit salary了。而他做生意的手法真的超厉害的...n i learn alot of lesson from him.thank you Mr龙威^^but i cann't help you to tam tim my 姐,this get to 看你的赵化了^^


Get in the war n learn from others.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


This few days was sick and still get to go for work...Cham...
cos have too many project get to run if not the downsite cann't run their work..haiz...
my working time seen like had been
arrange until next week liao...last time I
still can take some rest but nw...haiz...

Boss,you as you know my department all have a "high pressure"stress but

y u cann't give us a break...I know that you also having the feel like what we having but cann't you find a solution for us?as an opinion that i given you last time,"Qia ada otak n hv exp"n pay a SHUI salary or set a day which won't rush time on the construct...haiz...

Jus now evening I have get a new laotop (Hp 8730w) ,walao eh...when i saw the price was totally shock lo...(RM9500)5 month of my salary leh...n y u jus buy 1?n y not my supervisor get but was me?do u know jus now when she saw I get a new laotop ,she very kam kai...she was my supervisor n I was under her n y I u know like tis wil make our department like the others "PLAY HEART FIGHT"...

Moreover,actually when we get a new laptop should feel very happy n song,but y i dun having this feeling?n y this new laptop cann't make me feel like very like on it?Is because on it look not nice as the old ?

Friday, September 4, 2009

5/9 晴


今天office的人多没做可是我就要来因为Ecofeed project supervisor要问我一些东西而就等他到先在都还没来,就打blog先咯^^等下他来我又不知道要怎样答他了,老板真是的,自己要出国就把东西交待好给我才去...later sure die!!!

最近已经懂得如何去想面对压力了,而人也不怎么暴潮了。最近自己也做了几句golden sentance来安慰自己

Dun Angry 和 Dun Worry

Be Happy Be Happy

Dun Hungry Dun Hungry



这应该就事人mind set 吧。我觉得其时每个人多能够做到可是说真的,他们心里面不想忘记或者是他太直卓吧,做人太直卓的话到头来只会让自己不开心,那又何必呢...

=To Be Continue=

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2/9 晚

老板要去pineng然后跟我谈了一点东西就说Ah Din(ecofeed project supervisor)
会来问我一些东西和before6p.m要把整个图出完!!!wa lao,
本来是星期五才出图uwan me die meh!!!

没办法咯,只好赶给他!而每次说:Ah Chin 你不要给Pei Zhen 压力咯。
把工作分配好了后老板就上来说:你们画好了后一定要给Ah Chin check!
而画着画着就画到六点了enginneer also have come...but the drawing haven been done,so no choice lo,he get to wait...Ah Din Sorry o.

我一check...haiz...some error was found again...but never mind lo,tis is an advantages under me(won't score ppl)就只好跟Ah Din说明天在给他跟detailn clear的图让他跟doctor交待。

黑眼圈越来越明显了,先在只希望能有给我一个没有压力的觉's look like an very simply for others but it total hard for me,like get to earn an honda accord in few days!!!

Enjoy Strees i had achieve but get to enjoy stress in everydays by now i cann't make it!!!

=Tired and tired=