Jus came back from training.N can said was a crazy n funny days^^
Around 8.30a.m we start move to K.L for training because dun know the location so better go early^^
After reach there,me,Ah Yi n sushi get in a room then the funny story began^^muahaha...
They find a worker train us n 2 assintant assis him.Mana tau what we asked, he langsung tak tahu wow,n we learn a word from him “什么鬼”cos from the training strat untill the end he keep saying tis word^^During the class we keeping laughing n Ah Yi said"find tis type of people training meh..."Cos during the class can said not he training us but is we training him back.N he said tat"u all so pro..."
After finishing the training,crazy happen again^^we sesat jalan,muahaha...we can go until KLIA there ,then they said,easy lo,3 of us naik kapal terbang then jump ,sure can cum back to pandamaran 1^^,haha..
After tat,we jalan salah lagi,then terus go IOI Resort,during tat,3 of us na siao leh.Finally we get back to putrajaya then follow the LDP,n finally we get back^^muahaha...
Learn nothing at there!!!