Today my boss mood so gud^^cos actually today i get to work until 5 but when at 2 p.m he have call me back cos he going to Pinang to cheak the control panel box so i lucky lo^^
And at the night have a BBQ party and found some fun from there.I think tis would my 1 st having an BBQ with some of them n it also wil be the last(uyou know what am i talking about la^^)
After tat bbq then bawa my siao shun hui ling back n when we reach pandamaran,we saw have HUA CHE YOU XING n siao shun said want have a look so we patah balik to have a look.There have alot of O PE n hui ling have some of the video lo n mind getting start crazy like siao lang lo^^biasalah tu.After tat fetch her back then when i on the way came back i curi-curi throw the rubbish at somewhere la^^(cann't said^^if not when u all go report then i die^^haha...)
Now like siao lang still write blog,no wan to sleep.erm....still wan to write what leh...
Haiz ya,lazy to think liao la...